
Steel manufacturer Outokumpu is rolling out its low-emissions stainless steel Circle Green, delivering it to new clients. Smak Film was tasked with telling these case stories.

Smak´s inhouse capabilities make us a creative partner that even big multinationals such as Outokumpu feel confident to directly approach with their communication needs. While we enjoy working with communications and advertising agencies, we possess skills that enable us to serve the end client also directly. Media concept design, scriptwriting, copywriting, advanced pre-visualization, editorial and journalistic content are all in our service portfolio, alongside our production and postproduction expertise.

In case Fissler we built the story on the theme of transformations: in both cooking and steelmaking ingredients matter!


Client: Outokumpu / Markku Havukainen

Production company: Smak Film

Producer: Markus Mutanen

Director: Markus Palmén

Script: Markus Palmén

DoP: Matti Immonen

Sound design and music: Viljami Mehto

Editor and grade: Matti Immonen

Grade: Matti Immonen

Special thanks to Claire Rauber, Sebastian Hahn and everyone at Fissler!




Outokumpu X Fissler Teaser, 25 s



Outokumpu X Fissler Film, 2 min 24 s



Smak Film´s photographer Matti Immonen also shot the key images for the campaign.